Monday, April 02, 2007

emperors III, etc.

The John and Elizabeth Edwards announcement / interview / declaration generated a lot of reflection not only on his campaign but what was apparently already known in politico circles; she is the stronger character in that partnership. Politically, I never cared much for Edwards as a candidate and I’m not sure how this will affect his campaign in the short term. In the final solution I don’t think he’ll continue his presidential campaign for much longer.

Bill Richardson was on Jon Stewart last week – bonus points for that (I should get his book). The rest of the Dems are keeping their heads down, even the Hillary / Obama Apple mash-up video didn’t much interest me. I remember the commercial in its first iteration and never thought it was as ground-breaking as everyone else believed. A few numbers change, particularly an increase in the Edwards numbers for everyone else, a drop in my Edwards numbers because I don’t think he’ll be running come summertime.

I find it hard to believe that Giuliani has a 20 point lead on McCain in ANY poll. I’m sticking to my guns on Giuliani not having a chance at the nomination but I’ll give him a few more points just ‘cause. I think the polls only reflect what most Americans know about Giuliani – being mayor of NYC on September 11th. Once his stance on the issues come to the fore the numbers will drop. The winds blowing around Fred Thompson thinking about entering the campaign have been interesting but I don’t know enough about him, politically, to make any kind of judgment. The most I can say about him is that he speaks well.

Democrats My Vote The Nation

'PublicansMy VoteThe Nation

Yes, I read the Supreme Court slip decision (at least the dissenting opinions) on the EPA case. I know! I can’t help it. I learned what parens patriae means and will work it into my converations as often as possible.

Nothing else for now. Warm this week, colder over the weekend. Feel free to quote me if required.

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