Thursday, April 19, 2007

looking for the corner

Here’s some breaking news: that World Wide Web has tentacles running through everything. My review of the Patty Griffin show got more than a few people upset. My concert timelines (reinforced years ago by Lucinda Williams making us wait for two hours…and I love her) and disinterest in encores (I can’t honestly remember one in hundreds of theater shows that was memorable) rubbed people the wrong way. This came to light when I noticed that suddenly my measly site counter blasted up to a massive 44 hits in one day after I posted a link to the review at Patty Griffin’s Web site; imagine my surprise! The tracker took me to the Scott Miller message board and it was there that my preferences weren’t generally appreciated. It was all fair enough, my timeline is certainly silly and self-imposed and that was to be one of the points of the entry, a little self-deprecation. I generally leave the more in-depth reviews to others, I don’t do song lists as a rule because my listening style is to have all an artist’s songs in one play list…and then shuffled endlessly so I don’t have, or know, most song titles in my head. To me, bar and nightclub shows are different than theater shows – I’ll stay to the bitter end when Slobberbone / the Drams, Lucero, or the Gourds are rocking a packed bar. If Patty Griffin were blowing the house down at the Birchmere, I’d stay; I have strange habits. I also like to highlight band members that interest me (Doug Pettibone with Lucinda, et al) and try to push their skills along with the lead performer, hence the Bryn Davis link. Anyway, the folks over at the message board are much like me when it comes to music: it’s important, you are dedicated to the live music scene, and you are committed to a lot of various artists touring the country. I think we've made peace and I've got another place to get good links to the big world of musicians. I guess I could either tone down my sarcasm and peccadilloes, or not link to the rest of the Web. Hmmm…


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