Monday, April 30, 2007

caught in the net

About a month ago I got an email from Al Gore. This was a bulk / spam mail that he fired out to all who signed his online ‘save the overheating world’ campaign. I didn’t actually participate with my electronic signature, but X added me to the list when she was on about being so hot and soggy; global warning and all. While she was sitting at the table that afternoon, the day prior to her, H, and Cracker heading to the school-skipping protest at the Capitol, she asked if I wanted my name and address added in protest (not a protest from me about her using my email address; you know…the hot earth protest thing). I did, and in the end it was much easier than actually doing anything myself. So I get this newest thank-me email at my yahoo account, and it’s delivered to my inbox as opposed to my bulk / ‘this looks like crap’ box. I get email from family that ends up in the bulk box, but Al Gore firing off one email to over 500,000 people somehow sneaks through the filters? If there was ever a reason to believe the conservative accusation of the mainstream media being in the pocket of the liberals, this is it. Or, maybe it simply validates Al Gore’s assertion that he invented the internet – he’s got some serious skills.

Speaking of bulk emails. A few weeks back, I accidentally opened or clicked on some email about faux watches for sale. I immediately recognized my mistake and braced myself for an onslaught of crap email attempting to sell me stamps, hot young chicks, cars, payday loans, mortgages, or millions of dollars locked in African banks. You should see the inbox on my older yahoo address, it’s a literal strip mall of junk mail. As it is, it appears junk watch sellers refuse to share your email with others in the fine industry of email junkhoundary. I do get about five emails a day promising the best, fake watches ever manufactured – but no other junk. To be honest, I find watch retailers to be very discerning.

X stumbled on this blog yesterday. I can now consider myself well-rounded. I may laugh at Dave, but it was a blog just like his that taught me to make good French press coffee. The greatness of the Net, and blogs specifically, is that you can find people that are intimate with just about any subject you care to explore. Go Dave!


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