Saturday, March 31, 2007

sneaky sneaky quiet monkey

The week's weather has be stunning; if only it would never get hotter than about 70 degrees with a cool breeze whistling through the courtyard. We've taken to sitting in the lawnchairs in the courtyard every evening and watching Q. run up and down the sidewalk chasing balls. I'd say there's some retriever in him but I'm not sure he's mastered either the getting or retrieving - he chases. Reminds me of my old labrador Gus that used to chase cars; getting and retrieving didn't cross his mind, either. Here's a video of the lil' shortsop going to the hole, knocking down a screaming line drive, and making the throw to first base. Nevermind...score it as E6. Maybe the Cubs should sign him up.

The boys have spring break next week so they brought home the school's guinea pig. Ginny will be well-loved (I think), taken for long walks, and provide hours of entertainment to the a-dults. She was in her cage outside yeterday and Q. spent a long time either trying to see her or trying to plot her escape. Those bars don't look so tough.

We have the spring Slavic festival down at 21st and H St. this afternoon; pics to follow.


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