Tuesday, March 06, 2007

that guy jack

I was in the elevator heading down to our building’s lobby café for a little nosh when I overheard this conversation:

Guy #1: “…then Jack broke into the embassy in Los Angeles.”
Guy #2: “Really?”
Guy #1: “Yeah, he did. Got the hostage out.”

I’m thinking that it’s a story about the high jinks that always took place when a few American Beer Drinking Team (ABDT) buddies were back in college. The hostage portion made me realize that this was something much more interesting. At this point we’re stepping off the elevator: I’m heading around the corner, they are heading to the set of elevators ten feet away that actually go the additional one floor down to the parking garage. (I don’t even want to get started on that little building trick…since the one flight of stairs is right there.) I finally suss out that “Jack” is Kiefer Sutherland’s character “Jack Bauer” on 24. As I take a few steps and round the corner I hear the follow-on:

Guy #1: “You can’t actually break into an embassy. That’s illegal.”
Guy #2: “Really?”
Guy #1: “Yeah. Embassies are territories of the countries they represent…”
(fades out)

Suspend disbelief? Whaa? This guy is happy enough to watch a show that involves Mr. Bauer saving the world from destruction over the course of 24 hours; in fact, Big Jack has apparently done it almost six times, and this guy is concerned about him breaking into an embassy in LA? The rule of law? This wedge is just the kind of party guest I want to have around some weekend for dinner.


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