Tuesday, March 06, 2007


A few weeks ago there was an important discovery made down at the Pentagon City FashionPlex: The Denim Bar (DB). (click here for a great WaPo review)

The long, tall, lovely one decided on Saturday morning that she needed some new jeans…nice, new jeans. How does one find somewhere that sells such pants? How? g-o-o-g-l-e. Before another fray occurred we were off down Hhighway 50, over to Highway 27, lost by the ugly Air Force Memorial flying sculpture (that was Google Maps’ fault…the directions part, not the ugly sculpture part), and finally parallel parking in front of the DB…and the Sur La Table. Based on the known list of my manly traits you couldn’t mistake the matching-the-destination game: X looking for jeans, me to the cooking shop. The DB turns out to be this devilishly hip storegasm that has everything a girl or boy could want in denim…or a bar. The jeanista that helped that first day understood jeans like Crick understood chemistry and he had X in and out of a dozen pair of high-end dungarees. He had her in stilettos! (I missed that because I foolishly went to Sur La Table and the Discount Shoe Warehouse, unawares of the impending fashion show.) When I returned the three of us chatted for awhile, talked about his band, and laughed (?) about how I had missed the show, before X and I headed out with her newest, cutest duds. That pair has been duly broken in over the last ten days, she couldn’t be happier with the fit, and I suddenly offered to take her back and buy her another pair. I know...it was a moment of weakness, but I do love her. We popped over last night and somehow managed to find another pair that she can sport this weekend while she carouses across London and East Anglia. The same jeanista was working last night (along with a dama that had a very similar jean-build to X) and I decided this time to hang around, listen to good music, and sip the free beer. I'm pretty sure all shopping experiences, if they can't necessarily be avoided, should revolve around being the only customer in the store with everyone relaxed and bringing you more stuff to try on. I’m think you can ask her…she’ll agree.

Love to all.


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