Saturday, May 31, 2008

a farewell to arms

It's the 31st of May and I'm sticking to the promise I made, to myself, about staying away from current events for the whole of June. As the month comes to an end we've got the DNC meeting here in D.C. to decide the fates of Florida and Michigan. It appears they'll seat everyone and give them each half-a-vote. It the only truly compromised solution they could land upon. The facts are, they shouldn't have seated any of them. End of story. In order to appease Clinton they've done the best they can without actually affecting the race.

The lessons learned are pretty clear: Obama was naive to imagine that everyone would play by agreed-to rules. This will be something he'll carry with him through the remainder of his career. As for Clinton, she's now violating her word and there isn't anything worse you can do in politics. (Case in point: I don't actually care that Bill Clinton got involved with Monica; he pissed me off when he lied.) I fear she's forever damaging her place in the Senate and any future political leadership position. It's unfortunate because I really believe she is one of few in the Senate that could influence the chamber over the next twenty years. She may well lose any good will she's established in her eight years. 

Whatever the outcome, and I'm sure I'll catch it as I walk by newspaper machines, I'll vote for whomever the Democrats nominate.

The Cubs came back from 9-1 yesterday to win 10-9. They won their sixth straight today and are on a six-game streak. Those two sentences make me so much more relaxed than politics.

Expect tales from the Hilltop, sports, music, and crazy yarns of mass transit.

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