Wednesday, May 30, 2007

us? really?

Hello David Kamp!

This is an interesting article on a number of fronts; I’ll just relate how closely are the observed happenings around North Park Dr.

Kids are both picky, which is quite natural, and allowed to put on food blinders if we’re not careful; I’m guilty of it with Laurel. X has come up with a brilliant strategy of giving each boy a list of three things he chooses not to eat – I think only one of these is still in play right now, and it includes: spinach, peanut butter, and onions. Fair play, we can stay away from those ingredients but they are still on the hook to at least try everything else put on the table. It’s mostly a miss as the boys tend to sniff at, walk slowly around, touch a tongue to things, and finally decide they’re not hungry.

In a type of end-run the other day, G thought that maybe it would be easier for us if he provided a list of at least twelve things he would eat. Here are the foods in G-town:

Pizza Bites
Burrito Bites
Mashed Potatoes

I’ve grouped the items based on what I’ll call the “how 6 things can look just like 14!” They fall under these ‘gabe-y-mid’ food groups: flour (pancakes, waffles, crepes), pizza (self-titled and bites), mexican (quesadillas, tostadas, tacos, burrito bites…he won’t eat nachos anymore), bread (toast and bagels), potatoes, and peas. I will allow for the fact that he forgot beans on toast which he quite likes. He also forgot cereal, another entry to the bread category. His food groups are basically the same as kid menus we see in restaurants every day, even though I really thought a list of what they generally eat would be larger…it’s not. One must bear in mind that all the stuff they eat is organic and natural, no fried stuff, and no sugary foods around the that's a plus. Unfortunately, I now feel like we need to get some placemats with mazes, seek-and-finds, and hand out little packages of crayons. Dang.


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