Monday, May 21, 2007

crossing the walk

I’m a hardcore street crosser. I’m adamant about using applicable crosswalks and signals, but even officially sanctioned traffic signals with little lit walking people on signs require a measure of patience and hate. X and I differ on crossing and driving technique and these differences are reinforced when we’re walking together. My stance is that if I’m the walker, I expect the right-of-way in a crosswalk, lighted signs or painted lines; if I’m the driver I always give way (and room) to those crossing the street whether in a crosswalk or not. X is the opposite. My theory being that, right or wrong, I don’t envision a time in court where mowing down a pedestrian is going to be a good defense. It wouldn’t be such a good idea if I were the crosser and she were the driver, that’s why I stay close to her. Truth be told, my supporting data has been gathered mostly in parking lots rather than the mad streets of the greater Metro area – she doesn’t much threaten those on the streets.

The showdown this morning occurred on the usual corner, N. Carlin Springs and N. Park Dr. (click here for a map…if you zoom in on the corner you can see the crosswalk). I know I shouldn’t expect much from the driving clowns of the city but I refuse to be bullied by idiots. This morning there was an opening on my side of the street (the NE-bound lane) which I stepped into in a mad attempt to signal my crossing intention to the fools driving southwest. I’m not dumb enough to step in front of Joe Bob doing 40mph so sometimes I have to hold steady in the middle of the road. The problem with this is that eventually (usually in a few seconds) cars start approaching in the lane I’m occupying and these drivers aren’t quite evolutionarily developed enough to recognize a 6’3” person attempting to cross the street. Since the woman this morning clearly had the analytical ability of a black Labrador, and the intelligence of a wedge, she keeps right on truckin’, and gives me a little honk as she skitters her Audi by me while wondering just what I could be doing in the road? After all, she has a line of 50 cars sitting at the stoplight just 25 feet away. In order to make my opinion known, I respond with this statement through the small opening in her window, “Excuse Miss. I was simply trying to cross the street here in the crosswalk. I’m ever so sorry. Maybe later on I can come over to your house and apologize from my misbehavior.” For some reason, she must have misheard me; I think she gave me a look.

While I’m on about traffic, I’d like to point out to all those driving in this big old world that when turning a corner, if you stay in your lane everything will be peachy. Not only don’t they stay in their own little piece of line-marked terra firma, they refuse to turn right onto a three-lane road when the middle and far lane are occupied with oncoming traffic. Why? Because they can possibly fathom the idea of staying in a lane…they need at least 2.5 lanes of open turf before their little plankton brain can get the car going.

Seems like a Monday.



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