Tuesday, May 01, 2007

the final frontier

Being as I'm a part of air guitar legend - I must pass along this link as a representation of the never-ending track meet of life and fun when you're nineteen and in college. I found this at a blog called hero of our time but am linking directly to the youtube video. After you watch this you can rest assured that just like my slate.com sabbatical, I'm off linking directly to other sites for the next week. In fact, this time next week I'll be back in Nevada for a few days so it might get sparse; brace yourself. The video was created by a Columbia freshman fulfilling her science and/or math requirement by taking a class called "frontiers of science." English majors...all the fun.

alert: pause my irritating music off on the left before starting. xxoo.

If I'm not mistaken, I may have dated her sister in Iowa City...circa 1983. Wait, it would be her mother, wouldn't it? Shit.

Peace and love.


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