Friday, June 12, 2009

get in my belly

As we've been watching Hulu lately there's suddenly some degree of commercial exposure on The Hilltop. Even when watching online, at least for now, you still get three or four 30-second spots every hour. My question is this: have GM and AT&T been running these horribly patronizing commercials for a long time? The GM commercial, with some hockey player down on the ice at one point, is covered by some bullshit narration about the 'new GM' that crows of a massive responsibility taken by GM to remedy the company's ways. I'm positive that a bunch of the mental midgets that run GM sat around saying to themselves in a meeting one day, "I think we should quit building Hummers." It comes off as a bit rich as they file for bankruptcy protection after getting something like $30 billion. Beyond that, it almost sounds as if they're claiming to have been beaten down by forces beyond their control; they're merely picking themselves up from the mat, dusting off, and are suddenly fighting fit because of the grand visions floating around that boardroom. You can see the commercial below (okay, I 'fess up. The first one you can watch is the actual commercial, the second one comes from some brilliant and gleaming lights in my universe busting on GM - stunning...and thiefs!). I couldn't find the AT&T commercial that outlines their unprompted "decision" to buy clean and efficient trucks and vans because of their great desire to help the American people.

This strange "guiding the public with junk input/output" popped into my head yesterday when, for reasons unknown, I clicked on a link at Yahoo! that appeared to discuss restaurant food and its health value. I thought to myself, "We only go out once in a blue moon (to FarrahOlivia) but I'm still curious to know what's going on in the Americana dining world these days." That was the wrong idea. Here's the sub-headline from the piece on food, calories, and fat intake:

"New list shows fried mac-and-cheese isn't as healthy as it sounds."

No way. Actually, it doesn't even sound healthy.

Do I need some crack journalist to break the story, and save my health, by showing that not only is plain mac-and-cheese pretty low on the dietary health table, but that when fried in clumps it's even worse? Fried mac-and-cheese actually screams that it's bad food. Was there really a question? Did someone actually think to themselves, "I need to cut back on all the sewage I'm shoveling into my gullet and try to eat better stuff. Hmm. Let's see. Yeah, I'm going to go with the fried mac-and-cheese grease cubes; but, I'll just have water to drink so I don't counterbalance my healthy selection with a sugary beverage." I really want to break this down - this fried bit - and come to a conclusion. Let's say you have a nice, fresh heirloom tomato sitting on your counter. You're thinking about slicing it up, slipping it on some farmer's bread, drizzling it with some olive oil, and nibbling on it as a nice afternoon snack. Or, you could just deep fry that mother and improve the nutritional value. I didn't think so. So, how exactly does anyone think that frying anything on this Earth could possibly make it healthier? Even if you just rolled out of bed in your shack in the woods, and fired up the Sterno to make some mac-and-cheese, you surely wouldn't suspect that adding a good deep fry to it would make your insides better, would you?

I will point out that this particular feast of fitness is available at...The Cheesecake Factory. I'll let you ponder that.

Love, kisses, and mac-and-cheese to all.


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