Tuesday, October 23, 2007

single beds

As the The Eleven was settling to sleep last night, I decided I wasn’t quite in the best position for a duvet-covered, tea-induced slumber. This led to some rustling on my part and X awaiting the finished product so she could then finalize her pouncing. As I’m flipping and adjusting I say, in jest, “I’m not the way I want to be…I want to be smarter and I want nicer hair.” To which she replied, “You have nice hair.” I’ll let you interpret her choosing agreement on just my hair.

X has come to a conclusion using her deductive (?) reasoning that she doesn’t much care about the primaries, caucuses, etc. – Hillary or Obama are both acceptable. The general election is even further off the scope. No arguments from me. But…I find the exploding Ron Paul support to be a blast to watch. The Republican candidates are in a major huff and would like nothing more than to ban him from debates or speeches. I still think we’ll see a John Edwards surge through the Fall and early Winter.

I’m lasso’ing the boys and taking them, and myself (unlasso’ed), for haircuts tonight. Expect a barber shop update tomorrow.


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