Mr. Crampton once said (well, once to us) that Chemistry Laboratory was "the first five letters, not the last seven"...genius. Still my all-time favorite teacher; Westside High School was so much fun. That nugget crosses my mind as I try to engage my Chemistry and Anatomy/Physiology lab classes on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Chemical reactions do not need absolute of mass conservation and all. Maybe a little less chit-chat and little more labor....nevermind. If I'm not having fun than school's a drag. Some little bird told me that lab partners can be dangerous so I've paired up with the class savant...that's a picture of him above, and he's NOTHING if not business. I'm well safe. There's also a shot of Western Nevada Community College/Fallon Campus...go 'Cats!
Speaking of labs, what's with this little 'life' lab from the 'Unlikely Angel'? There are few things that rub me the wrong way but this is one of them. Reminds me of the book written by the wife of the man who allegedly said "let's roll" on the flight that crashed in Pennsylvania on September 11th. I remember seeing it in the store and wondering why there was a picture of her on the cover, alone, and the title was something like "Billy's life, a hero". Where was his picture? So now we have Ashley spouting on about her ordeal and I'm left to wonder; can you be a 'hero' if the only hostage you save is yourself? I mean, there weren't others, it's not like she was the only one left after the slaughter...she was the only hostage, period. If I lift a fallen tree off my battered body and make it to hospital before I die, am I a hero? I have nothing more to say on that... (rub rub rub)
Glad to see that former FEMA director Brown has decided to defend himself and blame everyone else. The mayor blames the governor, they both blame FEMA, FEMA blames me...endless circles. I think Mr. Brown would be best served by heading out to the stable and concerning himself with the horses. Wait, I learned something from FEMA. Had it not been for Mr. Brown and the 'Judge of Arabian Horse Judges' qualification, I wouldn't know that Arabians have one fewer vertebrae then other horses (see the shorter backs). Thanks X. Someday I'll win Trivia Night with that sweet tidbit...
Laurel has enrolled in Adventure Guides in Omaha (Cherokee tribe) and her tribe name is Nutty Bear. Perfect.
Shadow is back to the chase, pictures soon. I'll quit bitching...don't want to drive away the masses.
The best to all...