Tuesday, August 14, 2007

no man

I heard a story on Morning Edition that informed me that Phoenix is an “urban heat island”. It appears that Phoenix, land of concrete, sand, and sun creates its own heat on a daily basis by absorbing the blast furnace-like death rays from the Sun. Even as the Sun sets and night falls upon the peaceful valley the temperature is maintained much higher than it should be throughout the night as heat dissipates from the parking lots and strip malls. When morning comes the temperature is higher than it would be if you weren’t living in an actual parking lot – hence, no relief ever arrives in the summer. Go figure. Physiologists also report that humans adapt after a number of weeks in that type of heat. The body creates greater amounts of something called heat shock protein which is a chemical that prevents your cells from killing each other. I know that when I plan where I’d like to live, if a locale either 1) acts as an actual furnace or, 2) alters the chemical composition of my body so it doesn’t start eating itself, I’m not packing up the wagon and settling down anywhere near there. Seems fair enough, right?

Here’s my wiggle-wave to the nearly departed Karl Rove and his divisive, stinking politics; thanks to the Old Crows and metrolyrics.com

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