Monday, November 24, 2008

on the road

Here’s a brief interview with the man responsible for designing the “O” Obama logo. Like many of the people that posted comments, I’d like to see some of the other original options – just as historical perspective. Maybe the older folk remember political logos or buttons that were memorable but I don’t have any to ponder from my voting lifetime; certainly nothing so preeminent or pervasive (is that redundant?). I also found it horribly interesting that so many people didn’t see the logo, initially, as an “O”, but merely as a sunrise over the red-and-white stripes which were meant to represent the country as a whole. That’s the sign of some good work, isn’t it? I actually had a hard time not seeing it almost purely as the letter “O” was other bits added for accent.

I’ve sorted out our drive map from Falls Church to Portland, Maine for this week’s journey. Apparently, we’re taking the “man’s” route that will swing us out through Harrisburg, PA and shoot us across a portion of New York state and through Harford, CT before we turn and scream north. We’re planning on driving about halfway on Wednesday night before stopping for a bit of a sleep and finishing up Thursday morning. The trip back will be one long run on Sunday that will hopefully avoid any major traffic as we’ll be bypassing any traffic danger amongst the New Jersey / NYC vortex. We’ve been loaned one of those automatic toll tags so I’ll have my first long trip where I’ll be able to zip through toll booths like a regular. I know it might seem like small potatoes to many in my readership but it’s exactly the kind of thing that provides my mind with more trivial details to ponder as I drive through our little section of America. I’m easily entertained, as you know.

I have some cooking / menu planning to do tonight. Maybe I’ll be the stuffing guy once I get up there and put together a few pans of chestnut and oyster stuffing. Mmmm.


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