Thursday, August 14, 2008

smoke 'em if you got 'em

I just got through the first disc from the first season of Mad Men. My Mom recommended it to me when we were down over Christmas – I think it was as much her working history, in the early 1960s, as anything – so I gave it a go. I used to think that my all-time favorite band, Slobberbone, were smoking fools; apparently in about 1960 the rest of America would blaze them under the table. I mean, I’ve watched Jess Barr smoke an entire pack during each set – while playing guitar. Nothing’s quite as cool as smoking and playing guitar. Nothing except washing dishes with gloves…and smoking. Being pregnant…and smoking. Working…and smoking. Talking…and smoking. Was it really like that?

Give me a whiskey in my office while I smoke and work.

By the way...great show.


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