Tuesday, August 30, 2005

men of mud, dr. atkins, and my text message

Blind doings can be hazardous; always danger lurking over the horizon. As an example I'll speak of my cellphone skills. Catching up on a few texts this morning, heading out the door, click-click-click and send...off I go. Off IT went, to someone who probably didn't need to know about my Anatomy study skills. As it where, I completely trusted my phone and its ability to sort out what I REALLY meant. No need to double-check anything, click-click-click and send. Easy peasy, blind faiths is go easy. Which brings to mind the infamous Atkins Diet (stay with me...). We'll say that the diet plan is similar to my little cellphone screen and what I believed was a simple plan that needed no oversight. Nothing to support its success, "trust me, everything's well sorted". Do this, do that and everything'll be peachy. Much like my blind trust in my button-mashing ability, and the beautifully easy use of the phone, I think the diet was nothing but an idea that seemed to be the easiest way from point A (big) to point B (small)....AND with bacon! Jump on board! I think that in hindsight (can we call it that now? Does anyone even remember the Atkins Diet?), everyone would agree that eating bacon, eggs, steak, eggs, bacon, and more steak to the near exclusion of grain, fruit and vegetables is ludicrous. Really...raise your hands. Okay, I'll start (visualize my hand in the air 'fessing up to horrible texting skills). So, off the diet went into the dustbin of bad ideas just as my text message flew off some unintended (but easily amused)cellphone owner on the East Coast. The point isn't that trust and belief are bad, it's something that should taken with some thought...and not just texted. Trust and absolute belief in anything can be bit dicey. And with that, I'll refer you to the New Yorker article on Mud and Man. Off to the gym....

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