Friday, August 19, 2005

the genesis

So, the dealio. Sometimes doing everything just once seems best, and the thought of repeating things can be unduly cumbersome. Don't much care for the phone: lots of holding, signals, moving around the house, dialing...all that stuff. Much easier to bring everyone to one place where pictures and daily life can be least in some small part. Much nicer then worrying of email and endless diatribes about the state of affairs. Here it is, something updated many times a week, something (hopefully) broken up into little nibbles so if you don't want to hear my rants, you need not.

The weekend is here and I'm off to the Tahoe Rim Trail tomorrow morning. Pictures to come from that trip, the hike a few weeks ago, a scamble near Mt. Rainier and a few shots of the Bear. Patience....

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