Wednesday, August 24, 2005

back to school

Both Laurel and Sarah are back in school as of the 15th. Laurel has Ms. Ouren for fifth grade and duly reports that there are 21 kids in her class at Oakdale. I asked her if she found everything to her liking and she told me that sometimes it's a bit boring and she finds herself staring at the lava lamp. Apparently Ms. Ouren has a lava lamp on her desk which is near Laurel's at the back of the room. Fifth grade and already caught out by groovy 70's stuff. Sarah had to decide over the summer whether to stay at Cienega H.S. or move to Empire, which is the new high school in Vail, AZ. She decided to stay with most of her friends and finish the last two years at Cienega. I, for one, would have gone to Empire, it's closer and they are a school that has gone to issuing iBooks to all the students versus using textbooks. Nothing cooler, is there? Plus, that new school smell! I start Chemistry and Anatomy on Monday and will be in class Monday - Wednesday evenings here in Fallon. My lab coat is ironed, my periodic table t-shirt (with glowing radiation symbols!) is clean, pencils sharpened and notebook at the ready. This should be fun...Love to all

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