Saturday, August 27, 2005

Greenspan reports strong ecomony; textbook prices rise!

Just a few days of summer remaining for me. I stood in line at the WNCC bookstore yesterday afternoon and purchased (mortgaged? financed? gnashed my teeth?) textbooks for my Chemistry and Anatomy classes that kick-off Monday night. Maybe I'm venting, but $460 for two courses worth of books seems a wee bit expensive. Afterall, the two classes (eight credits) only run $510 total...trying to do some ratios in my head. We also have a three-week training evolution, sorry intelligent design, starting at Fallon this week. I feel like I'm in high school again...the dogs days of summer are quickly receding in the mirror, loading my backpack and heading back to the autumn of class. I thought about saying I felt like I'm in college again but I didn't really do much in college, funny. If I might add a bit of sport to the morning; this marks the first time since the 70s that I've not cared one iota for the forthcoming college football season. Talk about something so opposite from the earlier memory of feeling like a high schooler again. Anyway, after 30 years of Nebraska football I've given up. Not because last season was so bad, but because I loved 'running' football and the program has jumped to West Coast populism. No fullback? No counter-trey? Nothing I need to see. If I want West Coast offense I'll watch USC. I think I decided this over a pint of stout in the Detention Bar at our hotel in Portland. I'll ask my receptionist for the notes. A final thought? Dad always said school should start after Labor Day and be done by Memorial Day and I agree. School before next weekend's Cantaloupe Festival in Fallon? I protest...

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