Sunday, October 25, 2009

dinner, date, d.c.

(Holly Twyford)

I was watching the NFL pre-game show on ESPN and Chris Berman reported that the two former Bush presidents were going to be at the Houston game today and called them the "President Bushes", shouldn't it be the Presidents Bush? Sort of like Grands Prix? Just wondering. We're watching the dog down the street for a week so I'm spending the afternoon - post-dog walk - hanging around Daisy (dog) and her sweet HDTV; I have a new favorite thing.

We saw Lost in Yonkers in D.C. last night at Theater J. It's a pretty straight-forward Neil Simon play with wise-cracking dialogue interleaved with heavy family love issues. All the actors were very good but it only took a portion of the first act to realize that Bella, played wonderfully by D.C. legend Holly Twyford, was the holding center of the show. You'd be hard pressed to find a better cast across the board than what they've put together for this show. The theater, at the DCJCC, is a set-up perfectly (we saw Sandra Bernhard there last season). It's an eleven-row house, about 20 seats across, that was built steep so that every single seat has a full view of a beautifully designed stage. A very pleasing show all around.

We had dinner beforehand at Skewers on P St. NW. Even though the name is questionable, the food is excellent Middle Eastern fare. We split an appetizer plate and then both went with eggplant mains and red wines. Just perfect for a dinner before sitting for a 2+ hour show - until X decided she not only wanted dessert but then ordered the dessert with' supreme' in the name that included a lovely creme anglais, strawberries, and a dense cake. Needless to say, she then complained of being too full as we walked around the corner to the theater. I'm shocked...shocked! I think the most entertaining blurb from our dinner discussion was "We think the sumac is the most underrated of the autumnal colors."

She has biggish news and maybe I'll pass it along early in the week.


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