Sunday, February 25, 2007

rock n' roll lives forever

A mind-numbing menology of music lined up for the early Spring. The sounds have been slow over the Winter, artists hibernating (or staying away), venues holding little interest for me. Not counting my Lucinda tickets for Nashville (which I sold on eBay), I believe the following will grace my ears between now and May 1st: Ute Lemper, Patty Griffin, Emmylou Harris, the Silos, Tarbox Ramblers, Lucero, The Long Winters, and Marshall Crenshaw; my own South by Southwest. I'm still holding out for a visit from Lucinda and the eventual arrival of Steve Earle come Summer 2008.

Can someone explain to me the whole photography-negative-switching physical traits-thing? One of the few things I cannot wrap my head around. What tripped the worry was a concert video last night, a documentary, that had screen-in-screen cameras of Steve Earle performing. He plays right handed, yet if the negative or film is run the opposite...he's playing left handed. It's not just a matter of the 'picture' facing the other way; it's pixels and physical traits being swapped so that a person playing with a right hand (as we know it) is playing with their left hand. It freaks me out.

I'm waiting.

Christine is off with the Owls to watch the Oscars. I gave her the sure-lock winners' list that I stole from Price-Waterhouse. The key pick? Alan Arkin for supporting actor...the rest are gimmes. You read it here first.



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