Thursday, September 04, 2008

three alarm fire

The small place across the street from us is going to be torn down tomorrow and the owners have been working for a few months to pull out whatever is salvageable before the claw attacks. They're planning on building a story-and-a-half house that will fit into the neighborhood much better than the horrid ego mansions that seem to pop up every other lot. Being as the final destruction is tomorrow, the owners coordinated with the fire department to come over today and play fire fire fire: busting in the door repeatedly, breaking all the windows, setting part of attic ablaze, breaking through the roof...all the stuff you see on Rescue Me. I honestly didn't know people did this house volunteer work with the fire department until X was giving me the rundown this evening. She was outside working on gardening and weeding (are those the same thing?) while the fire boys were playing their game of destruction. She was working specifically on two large pots of lavender that had turned south over the Summer. Apparently, based on her testimony, the firefighters showed quite an interest in her lavender. 

Ah, my child. Firefighters loooooovvvvveeeee lavender.

She's still cute.


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