Monday, September 10, 2007

crush crush

A broken postal (or UPS) delivery driver crawled home from N. Park Dr. on Friday afternoon. He admitted that ‘our’ delivery had done in him – he was calling it a day. We first heard the normal delivery knock on the door and a then massive thump on the lanai. It turns out that X has ordered four massive buckwheat husk pillows for the kibbutz inhabitants. She apparently grew weary of the dusty old pillows what normal people sleep on every night…comfortably. The first new pillow test came Friday evening when she managed to wrangle her husk-a-low into the largest pillow case we own – barely. Come Saturday morning the die had been cast and the remaining feather/foam/soft/comfy/sleepy pillows were brusquely torn from under the restful heads of sleepy children (and boyfriends), stripped of cases, and cast to the dark corners of the Earth: husk-a-lows around! It should be pointed out that she decided the fully stuffed version needed some husks removed so that a head could actually make a dent in the harvest vastness. We proceeded to remove a gallon Ziploc bag amount from each and therefore finalize her evil plot for full compliance. (The four Ziplocs of husks are stored under the bed and might appear as some type of drug stash.) Since H. was off at a slumber party-thing on Saturday night it was up to G. and I to serve as lab rats for the sleep tank. I think G. was suspicious but managed to hold his tongue for fear of a 30-pound pillow upside his head. I, being a good test subject, fluffed my silo of grain and promptly fell a-slumber, happily. The only problem I encountered was the inability to get an arm out from under the sheer mass of my ‘pillow’ whilst trying to rollover in the middle of the night. I also had a strange dream that involved squirrels rustling about my head…who knows? With the test results accurately compiled Sunday morning, the old pillows were kicked about one more time and victory declared. H. had his first husk-a-low experience as he lay his head down to sleep last night. We got home from the Mavis Staples show about thirty minutes after they boys went to bed and X wandered in to kiss them good night (such a nice mother). H. looked up and said “This pillow is horrible!” to which his mother replied, “Don’t be silly. Pull your blanket up, I’m cold.”

Consider yourselves warned.


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