Sunday, December 11, 2005

but i must work

Near impossible to sort out what weekends are meant to be; relaxing, cleaning, crosswords, cooking, or combinations. In the end, what we choose to do on Sat and Sun reflects how we see life. Do we sit down and make sure we finish everything on our 'to do' list?; do we do some, forget others, and just get on with it? Is it a time of accomplishment or a time of just letting things move through the dynamic? I think I've got an answer...I have my answer. If you spent 48 hours pounding away at life, you've lost the plot. Life can be defined in so many ways...I'm using the 'todd' definition of "something that has to be done because someone told me it had to be done." Very simple. If you're spending your weekends traipsing down that little need to think about the newspaper; think about a a long, easy breakfast with the ones you love; think about sitting on the back porch wondering when you'll get up to refill your coffee. "I think I should rustle up some grub for dinner. What? About three hours away? Perfect." Stumbling over a Will Shortz puzzle, listening to Garrison weave his yarns, checking on the plants, walking up the road to see of the horse and goat are still friends; nothing more, nothing less. I think it's a loss of time away from the world, and time with those very cool people in your life, that drives us down the road of misery. As Todd Snider says, "I'm only one man..."

Love to all. Come over for dinner on Sunday and we'll play games.


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