Wednesday, October 19, 2005

would you rather have the tuna?

There are things that computers can't do for you. Actually, that's not so true...there are things that search engines can't do for you. If I correctly remember those crap tests they used to make me take, the old "this is to blah as that is to blah" was for applesauce. Is that logic? Is that hoohah on the LSAT? Someone? Anyway, I'll try - chefs are to waiters as computers are to search engines. Let's give it a go. The chef can pretty much make anything on the menu, it's his (or her) menu. Excellent, step one is complete. The waiter comes out to our table, spews forth the memorized daily specials (the memorized, not the specials) then wonders off to get our drinks (red for me, and you?). We thoughtfully discuss the full menu and weigh our options against the canvas of daily specials. What we should do is order the calamari off the menu, the blackened catfish from the specials portrait, and freely share the dishes. What could be better? Nothing. The waitron returns, pad or computer in hand, and cross-examines the table for the order, "We'll have the calamari and the blackened catfish special please. We're going to share dishes..." To which the lunkhead (he or she-lunkhead) says, "sorry, we're out of the catfish". What the hell? See? See it? Wait... Okay, here goes. We had the menu from which we could order but the dolt-waiter comes over and blindly offers up the specials....catfish included, yet there is NO catfish. All gone, can't do. The chef knew it, the waiter didn't. Figures. Chefs are to waiters as computers are to search engines. Have you ever googled for something, let's say "cottages in England", and google comes back with no hits and the sweet, loving touch of "Did you mean cottages in Wales?" Why, yes I did, I adore Wales.... Then the blow to the chops, "SORRY, NOTHING FOUND". What the hell? Why offer if you can't fulfill the g-damn offer? Why? This little story is brought to you by the word "undickered". Go ahead, go to and type in undickered. Nothing but the sweet kiss of "did you mean un-dickered?". Why, yes I did......

You know the rest.

Someone thinks my laminated periodic table of the elements signifies something other than "total cool".

Kisses to all


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