a union of none
I’ll come clean to start: I think all colleges and
universities should do away with scholarships for athletes. I also despise the
The recent talk about the Northwestern football players
unionizing is interesting on a number of levels. First, it appears that the
adjudicating NLRB court for the Chicago area determined that since the players
are paid (read: scholarships) they are considered employees and now have the
right to unionize. That unionization leads to negotiating contracts, pay, and
working conditions for players. Assuming this idea carries forward, where do
both the players and universities end up? Well, if I’m a university I can
simply withdraw all athletic scholarships – and the included training facilities,
supplied food, provided housing, etc., and then enter into negotiations with
the union. As a university overlord I can come to some pay structure and then the
athletes can pay for each piece of football pie: training, food, housing,
physio, travel, money to eat on the road, hotels, uniform rental, etc. As a
player, what are you getting in the deal right now? You are getting the
training required in order for you move forward in what is most likely your
chosen profession (even if you are dreaming way too big…). In order to do that
training the university is providing you with at least three years (football)
of tuition (whether or not you attend), room, board (at BCS schools probably a
private dining facility), travel expenses, per diem when travelling, private
physio facilities and trainers, uniforms, etc. Excluding private BCS schools, my
back-of-the-envelope calculations say that you’re getting (being paid)
somewhere around 60k per year to be trained; over three years we’ll call it
about $200,000. (This number assumes a BCS-level, state school, with players
coming from outside the state.) Not bad, right? Go to the first half of this
paragraph – I’ll pay you $65,000 per year to play here – and you then pay for
the training, just like every other student at the university (barring academic
Second, and I call this the “Reggie Bush” syndrome, is the
idea that somehow a player is more than the university. Until very recently I
couldn’t come up with an example of a player that made or created a big money
NCAA football program – lately, Johnny Manziel made me think he may the one,
but honestly, Texas A&M was a Big 12 program and had already moved to the SEC
by the time he showed up, so even he doesn’t count. Reggie Bush felt that USC
was making oodles of money from his likeness, or his jersey. This is a hollow
argument – USC was a massive program before Bush showed up, it is a massive
program after his departure. The horse is USC; Bush is a wagon. Nobody was
knocking down the door for Reggie Bush jerseys prior to his star turn at USC. Even for superstars, they aren’t making the
university money, the university is the already created monster that they
simply ride.
Last, and most importantly, athletic departments don’t make
money. There are loads of sites that cover reported expenses and incomes, but
beyond a small percentage of universities, athletics is a financial loser. Here’s a link to a shortish report from economists at Holy Cross that addresses the issue – even big-time football and basketball programs lose money. Sure, this is three years
old, but the ideas haven’t changed.
I don’t know where this will end up. The NCAA can go away for all I care. Universities can drop athletic scholarships. The can drop athletics for all I care. It’ll be fun to watch.
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